Phoenix II Cockpit
About this Website

This website ( was abandoned by its owner many years ago. As a Phoenix II owner and enthusiast, I have picked up the old website name and recreated it from The Wayback Machine with many modifications.

I do not hold any claim to the business name, aircraft name, specifications, etc. Tommy Georges still owns all rights as far as I am aware.

The last time that I talked to Tommy, he stated he had an interest in selling the molds, etc, to manufacture the Phoenix II so if there is anyone out there wanting to restart the Phoenix II aircraft production, give Tommy a call. I’m pretty sure that he is still at the posted telephone number list on this site.

If you are interested in purchasing my aircraft, let me know. Tommy may still be interested in making new Phoenix II aircraft (contact him).

Phoenix II owners: please send me pictures and I will post them to this website. The more info the better. Just send them to my e-mail address as posted here (webmaster).

Phoenix II Evening Shot